Replacing your 10 year old bed?

Replacing your 10 year old bed?

This week I had a call from a polite customer in the south. She wanted to replace her 10 year old mattress that she and her husband loved and felt at home sleeping on. She had checked the label on her current bed, and called the manufacturer up to find out if it was still produced. Unsurprisingly, it had been discontinued. This got me thinking about replacing old mattresses.

Mattresses change, manufacturers change. The bed industry has moved on from 10 years ago. Partly due to changing materials and innovations, as well as external factors such as the internet and changes in the way people buy things. This customer didn’t want to go to her local store to try out mattresses, she made this very clear. I also found this interesting given the fact she had a large budget. In the end, she told me what her current product is, the spring count, fillings and comfort level and she completed her purchase of a truly luxury mattress which was as close to her existing mattress as possible.


The fact is, what she wanted no longer existed. The memory foam filling had evolved, much the same as the spring material and fabric textures. We are mostly creatures of comfort, meaning we like to stick to what we know – this is totally fine. The customer didn’t want a new bed in a box. She was after luxurious cashmere, wool and mohair. She wanted her mattress hand stitched and hand tufted. Something the new roll-up mattresses tend not to offer. With our free premium 2 man delivery to your room of choice, there was no need for a vacuum packed mattress. Nor was she in a rush, and was happy for her new mattress to be hand made for her. She also wanted to dispose of her king size mattress ethically and with assistance. Something we helped her with.

How does an old base effect the mattress?

Something to note is; the customer was sure they did not need a new base to put their brand new expensive mattress on. The base was also 10 years old, and had been slept on my two adults for the duration, the same as the mattress. People often believe that because they don’t physically sleep on the base, that everything is okay, and that the ‘fix’ is a new mattress. In fact, all mattresses and bases have a life expectancy. Whether this is a £150 bed or £2500 bed. The timber used in the base or frame weakens over the years purely through usage. Some signs are creaking, squeaking, sagging, broken springs (sprung top bases), missing or broken slats and cracks. If any of these are showing, it’s time to replace the base too. In general, a new mattress means a new base to compliment it. This is advised to fully get the most out of the new mattress and validate any warranties.

On this occasion, the customer wasn’t able to find what she had, but was able to find what she was looking for.