What's the best bed for me?

Sarah gets hot in the night, finds herself tossing and turning to get comfortable, and wakes up miserable. She wants a bed that shapes to her body contours, gives support and relieves pressure.

We would recommend a cool blue memory foam mattress. Memory foam has changed a lot since it was first developed for a NASA programme in the 1960s. Cool blue foam is designed to keep you cool and regulate your temperature through the night. If this sounds like what you need, why not check out the Kayflex Hybrid mattress:










Ahmed has a manual job. He works long hours and spends most of his day dreaming for the moment he can crash out in bed... the only problem is, his mattress is 10 years old and it’s more lumpy than comfy. He wants to treat himself to something new.

We would recommend a latex mattress, which is a natural product derived from the latex plant. Latex mattresses are responsive and spring back into shape, keeping you supported all night, in all the right places. Why not check out the Myers Latex Comfort mattress:


Laila wants a bed for her guest house – something generic enough to suit most sleepers, to ensure her guests enjoy their holiday’s rest and come back next year.

We would recommend something traditional, such as a 1,000 pocket sprung mattress which provides sleepers with great comfort and support. We have a range of fantastic pocket sprung options, including the Bedmaster Aloe Vera mattress: